My good friend Nanci and I have known each other since we were about 14 years old. She’s one of the smartest, funniest and most talented people I know and I love her to pieces. I’m not sure exactly how the seed was planted. I think my girlfriend suggested we do it so I brought…
Author: admin
Is there such thing as too much Self Care?
It wasn’t even 7:00pm and I literally couldn’t keep my eyes open. I had chills even though the thermometer read 16 degrees Celsius in the house. What? Oh, yes I know, the BBC weather guide says that the “recommended temperature is 21 degrees Celsius (69.8 degrees Farenheit), but you may be more comfortable at a higher temperature. If…
Sleepless In Montreal
As the upstairs neighbours drift into a euphoric slow-wave dreamless delta state, their brain waves slowing and enlarging blissfully like the heart of an angel (with dilated cardiomyopathy), a sudden and almost paralyzing shriek fills the air. “FLO GET THE F*@&! AWAY FROM THE DOOR! I swear to god I’ll spray you!” The screen door we installed…
Sophistication, Success and Serial Killers
My idol, Julia Cameron, includes this exercise in a few of her brilliant books, The Artist’s Way, the Sound of Paper and perhaps some others, where she encourages her reader to visit their own perceptions of what items for them could serve as a token of success. I have taken it a step further and…
Send in the reinforcement!
It seems that almost everyone from those living on the cobble stone streets of Europe and in the ocean side villas of the mediteranean to the bowels of northern Quebec Canada, is suffering from an affliction at the moment. Some are calling it a nasty cold, some a sinus thingy, and other’s a debilitating flu,…
The results are in!!
As some of you may or may not know, eight hundred and sixty seven years ago, instead of making an appearance on the Maury Povich show, I spit in a vial and sent it to Ireland. While normally I am perfectly at home in the spotlight, I have to say that I’m pretty relieved to…
Women are ‘horrible horrible liars’
Warning: Exceptionally, the following content was not written in a humorous tone and and may be disturbing or triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised. Women are ‘horrible horrible liars’. According to Donald Trump in 2016, while referring to some of the women who have… accused him of sexual assault…
Are You My Mother?
I’m going to tell my real mom!! And she’s going to come and get me! I wanted so much to believe, as so many perfectly happy and well loved children do, that I was secretly adopted from somebody interesting, exciting and foreign. Switched at birth or stolen from my birth-mother who was probably a rich…
Naturally, as a child I thought the world was a cruel and unfair place to live, which of course it is. And naturally, I placed the blame solely on my Mother, therefore coming to the conclusion that most children make at some point in their evolution, or another, which is that I must…
Streaming TV ruined my life
Okay, that may have been a bit dramatic. What I meant to say is that streaming TV is evil and everyone should stop doing it right now. Too harsh? Fine. What I mean is, that streaming TV is making me sad and I wish people weren’t so into it. I’m not saying that I have…