If you’re bored, you’re boring

Dear Jennifer June, I follow you on Instagram, Facebook and twitter. You seem so down to earth and fun, even now, during this global disaster. I don’t know how you do it! Sorry for writing about something so depressing, I’m sure you have more interesting things to do than read this, but I’m having a hard…

Women are ‘horrible horrible liars’

      Warning: Exceptionally, the following content was not written in a humorous tone and and may be disturbing or triggering to some readers. Reader discretion is advised.   Women are ‘horrible horrible liars’. According to Donald Trump in 2016, while referring to some of the women who have… accused him of sexual assault…

Yaaas Queen ! And other reasons for you to hate me

I’m having a very hard time distinguishing where that very fine line between being sensitive to and perpetuating racism is. Where do you draw that line? I’m not being flippant, I’m asking real questions and I need real answers. I’ve always loved the name Diego. The name Diego is a Spanish baby name and I,…

Dear Jennifer June – Again

Dear Jennifer June, First of all, can I just tell you that I love you so much it’s ridiculous. I think you might be the coolest woman I’ve ever met. Not that I have met you (yet) but I hope that one day I will be so lucky. I am writing to you for some…