That’s right, you heard me, I said Vagina Camp.
The thing is… I have written many posts already, with a plethora of keywords to chose from and for some reason, the majority of googlers who land on The Lady’s Lounge are searching for… how can I say this without getting even higher google rankings for it?
Naturally, I googled those very words myself to try and see what exactly it is that countless people are searching for each and every day.
1) An erotic photo blog of … um… the word in that phrase that isn’t lounge.
2) A crap load of porn
3) A Playa del Fuego theme camp devoted to the exploration and celebration of feminine sexuality.
Yes, that’s right, Vagina Camp.
“They have various fun and sexy events, some co-ed, some women only.”
Um, Co-Ed? Really? Because I’m super curious to know what one does at a Labia workshop without… you know, a LABIA.
Great, I probably just flew up to # 3 on google now.
Dear Porn lovers,
Really? L A BI A L O UN G E? That’s what you are thinking about when you’re all hot and bothered and looking for love in all the wrong places? Labia? Just the Labia? Specifically? Nothing else? Just the Labia and maybe a little lounge action?
(I’m up to #2 now for sure)
Dear Vagina Campers,
I a truly sorry for misleading you with whatever key words the search engines of the mighty interweb weeded out of my blog posts and exploited to lure you here. For all of you Labia-less workshopers, perhaps I could interest you in a fascinating piece I wrote regarding Iceland’s famous Penis Museum?
Love Jen xox